domingo, 28 de octubre de 2018

ACCIÓN nº 4 - ACTIVIDADES: "The British and sport in Canary Islands" - "Los británicos y el deporte en las Islas Canarias". Depart. de Inglés.

Answer  the following questions:

*What are the main reasons why people should practise sport?

*What is the relationship between the English laguage and sport?

*Why are there so many English word in the sport context?

*Why were so many spectators encouraged to practise football?

*When did the first football match take place in Canary Islands?

*Why did Canarian people start being so interested in football?

*When was Las Palmas tennis club created?

*Who received the tennis Cup in 1907?

*Where does the hymn “riqui-raca zumbarraca” come from?

*Who was Paco Zuppo?

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ACCIÓN nº 33: "Resumen de las acciones realizadas en el curso 2018 - 2019"...

Curso terminado... veamos un vídeo con el sumario de las treinta y tres acciones llevadas a cabo en el Proyecto de Centro. Como sie...